Members of our staff are drawn from local and international communities. In addition to teachers, teacher assistants, administrative staff and coordinators, there are two full-time physicians, several well-being counselors and a college counselor on campus at all times.

This diverse and talented group has a common goal: to offer Saint George students a demanding and dynamic education that teaches them to think broadly and critically and ensures emotional growth and well-being.

At Saint George, learning is a priority and teaching is personal. Members of our academic staff are committed to giving students individual attention to cultivate ideas that promote excellence. Teachers are dedicated to interdisciplinary education, which emphasizes the depth of knowledge and prepares students to meet the intellectual and cultural changes in today’s global society.

Average student to teacher ratio is 8 to 1. Our teachers have extensive experience in their respective subject areas and we are very proud of the low turnover of our staff, which allows us to have greater continuity of our philosophy and programs.